5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Cornhole Courts

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Cornhole Courts

When the weather is nice, many of us enjoy spending time outside, and cornhole is a popular outdoor activity. This game is enjoyable for people of all ages, whether you’re competitive or just looking for a fun activity to play with friends and family. This blog details several facts you didn’t know about cornhole courts, plus the rules of the game!

Fact 1: Size of Courts and Distance Between Boards

A standard cornhole court is precisely defined to ensure consistency in gameplay. The court size typically measures 8 to 10 feet in width and about 40 to 45 feet in length. However, the most critical measurement is the distance between the two boards, which must be 27 feet from front edge to front edge. 

You must set the boards parallel, facing each other with this precise distance for fair gameplay. The cornhole boards should also remain centered within the court’s width and be at least 15 feet away from other courts or obstructions.

Fact 2: Courts Have Foul Lines

On a cornhole court, there are foul lines 3 feet in front of each board that extend across the full width of the court. Players must release the bag before crossing this line, similar to the concept of a free-throw line in basketball. 

The foul lines ensure that all players have an equal advantage, preventing unfair proximity to the target board. Violating these lines can result in a foul, significantly impacting the game’s outcome. 

Fact 3: There’s a Pitcher’s Box

Another fact you may not have known about cornhole courts is that there’s a distinct throwing area players must remain inside during pitches. In a cornhole court, the pitcher’s box is 4 feet by 3 feet and provides players with a designated space to stand while throwing their bags. 

Typically, there are marks on the ground that show the boxes to ensure that players know where they should stand. Stepping outside the pitcher’s box while throwing can result in a foul or disqualification from the round. 

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Cornhole Courts

Fact 4: Playing on the Right Surface Matters

While most people associate cornhole with backyard BBQs and tailgates, competitive players know the importance of the court surface. Although many of us play it on our lawns, this doesn’t allow for the distinct boundary lines of a court.

Often, homeowners install cornhole courts that are smooth mats consisting of materials such as artificial turf. The court must be flat, with no bumps or uneven surfaces, as this can disrupt gameplay.

Pro Tip

Pro Backyard Living sells DIY cornhole courts that you can customize the inner, outer, and border colors of. Optimize your yard or business with our DIY backyard game courts!

Fact 5: Courts Require Specific Equipment

The equipment used in cornhole also adheres to specific standards to ensure fair play. Regulation boards should measure 48 inches in length and 24 inches in width, with a 6-inch hole centered 9 inches from the top. Generally, manufacturers use plastic or plywood to create these boards.

Additionally, regulation cornhole bags must measure 6 inches by 6 inches and weigh between 14 to 16 ounces. There are two sets of different colored bags—such as four red and four blue—for each team to use.

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Cornhole Courts

3 Key Rules of Cornhole

Now that we’ve explained the court layout and what equipment you need, let’s get into some of the important rules of the game. 

Scoring Rules

In cornhole, each player or team has four bags to throw per round. A bag that lands on the board scores 1 point, while a bag that goes through the hole scores 3 points. Bags that touch the ground or are partially on the board but touching the ground do not count and score 0 points. 

In the official cornhole, players must reach 21 points to win the game. If a player team exceeds this number by the end of their turn, they still receive the winning title. 

Single vs. Double Matches

You can play cornhole with two or four players; two players would be a singles match, while four players would be a doubles match. In singles play, each player has four bags to throw per round.

On the other hand, in doubles play, each team consists of two players who alternate throwing the bags. After one player throws their bag, the opponent standing on the same side will throw theirs. They do this back and forth until both individuals throw all four of their bags. This format adds a fun and competitive element to the game as teammates work together to strategize and score.

Foul Bag Rules

A foul bag is any bag thrown from past the foul line. For instance, if a player’s foot goes over the front edge of the board while throwing, their play is a foul.

There are two types of foul bags: impacting and non-impacting. An impacting foul bag affects the score. An example would be a foul bag knocking another player’s off the board. If a player crosses the foul line during their throw, and this occurs, it’s an “impacting foul bag” because it impacts the score. As a penalty, the player doesn’t earn a point for this throw.

Non-impacting foul bags don’t affect the score and don’t have scoring penalties. This may occur if the player crosses the foul line during a throw, but the bag misses the board.

Bonus: How Turns Work

Each round starts with one player throwing all four bags, followed by their opponent. In doubles, teammates alternate throws until both toss all their bags toward or onto the other board. This turn-based system balances pressure and opportunity, requiring players to adjust their strategies based on the opponent’s performance. 

Tips for Becoming the Ultimate Cornhole Player

Cornhole quickly becomes a competitive game, and the better your strategy is, the more likely you’ll win. Practice makes perfect, so here are some tips to step up your game and become the ultimate cornhole player:

  • Focus on accuracy.
  • Use different throwing techniques.
  • Throw from different angles.
  • Develop a consistent stance.
  • Work on your mental game.

With these insights into cornhole courts, equipment, rules, and tips, you can elevate your gameplay and enjoy this popular backyard game!

Pro Tip

Working on your mental game requires building your confidence as a cornhole player. The time for this varies for everyone and occurs with consistent practice.

Install a Cornhole Court

With a backyard cornhole court, you can practice your throws anytime you want. Pro Backyard Living offers customizable cornhole courts that are easy to install and bring the fun of cornhole right to your backyard. Invest in this fun backyard essential to become the ultimate cornhole player!

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